On the go Remember proper clothing and sufficient sunscreen

Image photo with the INNOX EVO GTX MID JUNIOR, Family Shooting Heutal 2018

Of course, before a hiking tour parents frequently worry about whether they have packed everything and whether their child is properly dressed. Espe­cially in the changeable weather of spring and autumn it is important to make sure your child is not too cold when out hiking. Here the same “onion” principle applies as it does for adults: several layers of clothing that can be put on or taken off, depending on the temperature.

Remember sunscreen as well as proper clothing: applying enough sunscreen (don’t forget the child’s neck in particular) is a must on every hiking tour. A sun hat or multi-func­tional scarf also provides good protection and should always be included.

Image photo with the INNOX EVO GTX QC JUNIOR,

“Ziehe Dein Kind nach dem Zwiebelschalen­prinzip an und achte genau darauf, dass es nicht auskühlt. Das bedeutet auch, dass Du Dein schlafendes Kind aufwecken musst, wenn das Wetter umschlägt. Nachdem wir einmal ein zitterndes Kleinkind aus der Kraxe geholt haben, ziehe ich aufwecken und warm anziehen immer dem Weit­er­schlafen vor.”

Steffi, a daily travel mate