On the go Go on a tour of discovery!

Image photo with the LISBOA LO JUNIOR, Family Shooting Heutal 2018

Hiking is great and can really be fun. Espe­cially if there is something to explore or exciting things await the children by the wayside. It usually doesn’t even have to involve a big adventure trail. From recog­nising leaves to building piles of stones – there’s plenty in the natural envir­onment that can simply be used for play purposes. Why not search together for a hiking stick, balance on a tree stump or hide in the under­growth? Creativity knows no bounds. Even classic games or songs like “I spy with my little eye…” or “A hat, a cane, an umbrella…” can provide enter­tainment.

To convey a sense of fun and enjoyment of nature to parents and children, LOWA publishes its “LO & WA Adventure Manual” twice a year. Each one of these issues is devoted to a particular country or region. As well as an adventure, which siblings LO and WA experience together with their feathered friend LOWINGO in each country, there is plenty of reading material, puzzles, and tips and tricks for things that kids can make them­selves. The adventures can also be re-enacted during the tour or during breaks in the hiking tour together with fluffy peregrine falcon LOWINGO.