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Mountain schools

Mountain schools


Sharing enthusiasm for the mountains with others, leading tours, organising regular courses - these are all things offered by the mountain schools. The aim is for everyone to find their perfect mountain experience under the guidance of well-trained mountain guides.

The mountain guides of our mountain school partners all have many years of experience as well as good local knowledge and also master all safety standards. Furthermore, the mountain schools and their tours are characterised by professional planning and organisation, realistic objectives, a pace and performance level adapted to the group, the limitation to a manageable group and the existence of first aid in emergencies on site.

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    We are mountain guides with passion and conviction. Our motivation is to offer professional support in the realisation of our customers' mountain dreams with the best possible service package. Off the beaten track, we are constantly looking for new offers and challenges. Small group sizes and flexible adaptation of the programme to the weather, physical and mental fitness of our clients ensure unforgettable experiences in the mountains. Our programme includes alpine training courses as well as classic guided tours and trips to the mountains of the world.

Alpine School Augsburg
Achenfeldstr. 24
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Phone: +49 179 6985321


    Sharing our enthusiasm for the mountains with others - that's what drives us. Careful planning, optimal realisation and individual support - that is our claim for your perfect experience on the mountain. Not only do almost 20 years of experience in all facets of mountain guiding help, but also a large portion of heart and mind.

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Steinberg 225
6215 Steinberg am Rofan

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    "What counts is the experience"

    Under this motto, the passionate mountaineers in our network want to give every guest a special experience on the mountain.

    Each of them has first-class qualifications for the individual mountaineering activities they lead and guide. State-certified mountain and ski guides, state-certified army mountain guides and police mountain guides as well as VDBS-certified mountain hiking guides and state-certified ski instructors put their heart and soul into their work for us. Ongoing training and further education guarantee the highest level of expertise and safety for our guests and also for our mountain guide network. With caution, prudence and the necessary determination, the relationship with our guests and the passion for the mountain experience are always at the forefront for the entire network.

    Our programme includes tours and courses in all known alpine disciplines (freeride, mountaineering, climbing, via ferrata, mountain biking, snowshoeing, ski touring, hiking) for all ability levels (from beginners to passionate alpinists). The "Seminars" segment also offers the opportunity to familiarise companies, teams of all kinds and students with the topics of leadership, self-leadership and decision-making in the mountains.

Blue Mountain Spirit Mountain School
KranzhornstraĂźe 8b
83075 Bad Feilnbach


    For "Die BergfĂĽhrer", a profession is still a passion. We share this passion with our guests in the mountains during challenging private tours and our regular course programme. As professionals on the mountain, we cater to the needs of our guests and form a high-performance team in which we reach summits and discover new things together. Together we achieve our goals.

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The mountain guides
HauptstraĂźe 20
82441 Ohlstadt
Phone: +49 8841 6270852

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    For Erdmann Käppeler, mountain guiding is more than just a profession, it is both a passion and a challenge. For the state-certified mountain and ski guide, it is important to make the most of the time available in the mountains - regardless of the age or level of experience of his guests. For him, mountain guiding means making good decisions in order to keep the risk that every mountain adventure harbours at an acceptable level. In this way, many experiences and impressions can be gathered and experienced intensively. The qualified sports scientist guarantees the best risk management through the highest alpine qualifications and continuous further training.

Erdmann Käppeler
Krokusweg 7a
87488 Betzigau
Phone: +49 151 56559690


    Ludwig Karrasch is a young mountain guide from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, at the foot of the Zugspitze. He specialises in individually guided tours, especially around the Zugspitze. He is out and about in the Wetterstein in both summer and winter, guiding his guests on well-known classics as well as forgotten or new routes all around the Zugspitze. True to the motto "Why go far when the good things are so close?", he prefers to start his working days at home on his bike.

    In order to cope with the many requests, he is also supported by a young and local team of mountain guides.

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Ludwig Karrasch
AngerstraĂźe 15
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Phone: +49 173-814 898 3

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    We know the most rewarding destinations and routes on all continents. Owner and manager Günther Härter has been travelling the mountains of the world for 40 years - as a mountaineer, mountain guide and organiser of mountain tours. In addition to the mountain, our name also includes the promise that our tours are top-class. The fact that we offer an attractive price-performance ratio is partly due to the fact that we know the area inside out. On the other hand, we have a lean company structure; with us you pay for the trip, not for the administration. Our philosophy is to pay local people, guides and porters fairly, regardless of the country.

Top Mountain Tours
Glattbacher Str. 11
64686 Lautertal
Phone: +49 8151 4441914


    VIVALPIN stands for expertise, experience and quality in mountain sports. In addition to the know-how and expertise of the mountain school managers, the mountain guides and the entire team, VIVALPIN stands for over 30 years of experience in the mountains of the world as well as for a comprehensive range of courses and guiding services, which are also subject to strict quality management. In the interests of its customers, VIVALPIN also stands for innovative offers, for an ecologically and socially sustainable overall concept and for long-term and fair co-operation with its partners.

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HindenburgstraĂźe 14
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Phone: +49 8821 9430323