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As a mountain sports brand, we live from and with nature. For all of us, it is a place for unforgettable outdoor experiences. As a traditional company that has been manufacturing footwear for over 100 years, it is therefore a fundamental concern of ours to work for its preservation. We have therefore made our corporate responsibility a central part of all our activities. We see sustainability as a long hike - with numerous stages.

Step by step, we want to continuously improve. We are working towards reducing our impact on the environment and nature, raising our social and environmental standards and making our organisation a safe and respectful place to work. We are ambitious and persistent when it comes to the many tasks involved in sustainability.

  • 230.000.000

    Euro sales 2023 in the LOWA Group

  • 3.060.000

    pairs of shoes sold by LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH in 2023

  • 2.225

    LOWA employees in 6 countries

LOWA Sportschuhe GmbH acts as the brand's headquarters. The Tecnica Group holds 80% of the shares and Werner Riethmann 20%.

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  • Get up, grab your equipment and lace up your hiking boots. Take a deep breath and feel the fresh air. The anticipation of immersing yourself in nature with a firm step is something very special! We make products for these moments. That's why it goes without saying that we are committed to protecting nature. Sustainability is an intrinsic part of our business model. To this end, we take responsibility for future generations and have been strategically improving our impact on people and the environment for over ten years. We are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees and support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We will also join the UN's "Race to Zero" initiative.



With the help of a double materiality analysis, we have analysed the impact of LOWA on people and nature as well as the influence of external factors on our ability to do business. Ingmar Anderson, Head of Corporate Responsibility, explains: "For the analysis, LOWA management worked together with our experts from Germany, Italy and Slovakia. We considered the entire value chain and used the analysis to define the impact categories, opportunities and risks."
The double materiality analysis thus forms the basis for LOWA's sustainability strategy.

Four areas of action were derived from the results, where we at LOWA have the greatest leverage:

  1. Product - We are strengthening sustainability in our products.

  2. Supply chain - We take responsibility for the entire supply chain.

  3. Environment and climate - we reduce our impact on nature.

  4. People and company - we live our corporate and social responsibility

With these topics, LOWA also contributes directly to eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

  • SDGs

  • We make our
    products more sustainable

    We are continuously expanding our quality and sustainability standards for our shoes - from the design to the end product. To this end, we are developing our own product sustainability guidelines and will only launch products that meet these requirements on the market from 2027. Our focus is on durability and the use of materials with a low environmental impact while maintaining consistently high performance. We increase longevity by producing durable, washable and repairable shoes. We always use the levers in such a way that they achieve the best results for the respective product. "We make our sustainability efforts verifiable by certifying products and materials," explains Veronika Becker, CR Manager at LOWA.

  • We take responsibility
    for our supply chain

    Together with our suppliers, we regularly and systematically check compliance with environmental and social standards along the entire value chain. All our production sites are externally audited according to the standards of the Fair Wear Foundation.

    "The protection of our employees throughout the entire supply chain is particularly important to us," says Mária Srnková, CR Officer LOWA Production. "To ensure that our Code of Conduct is applied and adhered to, we have also successfully established a whistle-blowing system." We also actively minimise risks by introducing a supplier development programme with audits and countermeasures.

  • We protect the environment
    and climate

    Through continuous improvement in the design and production process, we optimise our use of resources and thus minimise our environmental impact. Waste is reduced or added to a further life cycle. We have committed ourselves to being climate-neutral by 2050. To achieve this, we plan to halve direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in the medium term and significantly reduce indirect emissions in our value chain (Scope 3). We are also focussing on renewable energies: At our Jetzendorf site, 50 per cent of our energy consumption is already covered by our own photovoltaic systems.

  • We connect people
    and companies

    We take our responsibility for all people in our entire value chain very seriously. To this end, we create safe and inclusive workplaces at all locations where employees feel welcome and valued. We also attach great importance to equal opportunities and anti-discrimination. We ensure compliance with our Code of Conduct through regular audits and the successful implementation of an anonymous contact point. We do our part for a responsible society and are committed to helping socially disadvantaged people. For example, we support the organisation Outdoor Against Cancer and educational projects in various countries.

  • "Step by step, we are climbing towards our goal: a future worth living for generations to come."

    - Annika Jestädt, Head of CR at LOWA

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LOWA combines long-standing traditions with high environmental and social standards. Our sustainability is rooted in clear value systems, regionality and our own production facilities. We set ourselves ambitious but realistic goals, which we approach transparently and consistently with high data quality. "The use of high-quality, durable materials and socially responsible production conditions are not just a promise, but an integral part of our corporate culture. Step by step, we are climbing towards our goal," says Ingmar Anderson, Head of CR at LOWA. "In this way, we are playing our part in creating a future worth living for generations to come."



    We are continuously making all our products more sustainable.
    - We are constantly expanding our quality and sustainability standards - from design to the end product. To this end, we are developing a product sustainability guideline.
    - From 2027, we will only launch products on the market that meet these requirements - with a focus on durability and materials with a low environmental impact while maintaining high performance.


    We take responsibility for
    our supply chain.
    - Together with our suppliers, we regularly and systematically monitor compliance with environmental and social standards along the entire value chain.
    - We rely on the established standards of the Fair Wear Foundation for our production facilities.


    We minimise our environmental impact and contribute to climate protection.
    - We have committed ourselves to achieving climate neutrality by 2050. To this end, we are joining the UN "Race to Zero" initiative and demonstrably reducing our emissions to a minimum.
    - At the same time, we are optimising our use of resources and working on solutions for the circular use of materials.


    We create an inclusive and safe working environment.
    - At LOWA, everyone should feel welcome and valued. We attach great importance to equal opportunities and anti-discrimination.
    - We support socially disadvantaged people through projects at national and international level.

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