On the go Paw protection in winter

Image photo with the RENEGADE GTX MID Ws, Tipps für Gassigeher im Herbst

Falling temper­atures also signal the return of road salt and similar ice-fighting products. This can quickly become a problem for the paws of dogs that spend a lot of time in urban areas. A dog’s paws should be checked and cleaned (with warm, soap-free water) after a walk. Afterwards, they should be thor­oughly dried. Vaseline, bag balm or a special salve can be used to treat dry, rough paws. Mois­turised paw pads are also more resistant to cold, salt and the penet­ration of stone chippings and foreign bodies. If your dog has an abundance of hair between its paw pads, the hair should be cut regularly with a rounded pair of scissors. This will reduce the chance of dirt and chunks of ice becoming trapped between the paw pads.