On the go Use nature for a unique trip of discovery and adventure

Image photo with the ROBIN GTX QC,

Hiking is great and can really be a tremendous amount of fun. Hikes are really enjoyable for children when there is something for them to explore and exciting exper­iences await them along the way. And is there anything better than a forest teeming with colourful leaves? Partic­ularly after a few dry autumn days, children can have a great time kicking up the leaves, scam­pering here and there and then kicking up the leaves one more time. In what seems like a blink of an eye, you have moved several hundred metres down the trail, and the youngsters haven’t noticed at all.

But kicking is hardly the only thing that the leaves are good for: Your family can collect an assortment of beautiful leaves, acorns and chestnuts. At home, you can then dry or press them. You can then fill bad-weather days by doing handi­crafts and indulging in memories of adventures out in nature.